Home Details

Start date

Note: This must be within 30 days of today's date

This cover is subject to a 72 hour exclusion period for flood, cyclone and storm surge damage.
Please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement for details.

Where is your home located?

Home details

Site over 20,000 square metres

If the building is on a site exceeding 20,000 square metres we require further information.

20,000 square metres = 2 hectares = approx. 5 acres.

5 acres is an approximation only. Please ensure you calculate the exact area of your property in square metres when answering this question.

Site over 20,000 square metres

If the building is on a site exceeding 20,000 square metres we require further information.

20,000 square metres = 2 hectares = approx. 5 acres.

5 acres is an approximation only. Please ensure you calculate the exact area of your property in square metres when answering this question.

What's the oldest policy holder's date of birth?

Example: 28/06/1970

Cover options